Teens Caught Texting Blame Over-Protective Parents

Texting and driving is serious due to the amount of deaths caused by not paying attention.   Teenagers calling themselves safe motorists overwhelmingly admit to checking phones when behind the wheel, and those who text while driving say they are often distracted by parents who expect immediate responses, a survey...

US Citizens Now Keep Their Cars Longer Than Ever

How often do you look outside your car as you drive to work and see an older version of the model you drive? Older cars are staying on the road and in the market through different avenues of car sales. The average age of vehicles on the road in the...

Buy a New Car Just To Rent It Out

Manufacturers have proposed a new concept, which hasn’t been highly accepted yet. Automotive shops now recommend purchasing a new car and renting it out to other people to create another way to invest in property. News this week that BMW’s Mini will offer buyers of its cars the chance to...

Predictions for the 2015 Classic Collection

These cars will take you to a point where they will one day become classic, but you will be having to much fun to notice. Hagerty Hot List is what car enthusiasts everywhere looks forward to seeing each year. It doesn’t matter why you love cars or what you do,...

Trendy car features to pass on

Cars are expensive regardless of which features they come equipped with. While some features are necessary and absolutely required like windshield wipers or side-view mirrors, there are plenty of add-on features you could probably pass on and save yourself a little (or in some cases) a lot of money. 1.Self-Parking:...

Top Commuter Cars of 2015

Just as a saw is a tool for a carpenter, a car is a tool for a commuter. You need the best tool for the job. When it comes to a saw, you’d consider sharpness, efficiency, reliability, cost and ergonomics. When it comes to a commuter car, you’d be wise to...

Drivers Addicted to Texting While Driving

Even though it's dangerous, many American drivers continue to use their smartphones while behind the wheel. Compulsion — even addiction — are appropriate terms for the nearly irresistible urge to respond to a text message, even while driving, an expert said. “We compulsively check our phones because every time we...