How Will Insurance Companies Deal With A Possibility Of Less Accidents
When you get into an accident the first thing most people do is call their insurance company to report it. However, as autonomous driving technology advances, perhaps the most notable benefit is the promise of a striking reduction in accidents. But fewer accidents will, according to a recent report, turn the…
Feds Change Their Position When It Comes To Cars That Drive Themselves
LOS ANGELES – When driving there are certain rules to follow on the road, which have been put into question when it comes to autonomous driving, and now the U.S. government is deciding what position to take on the matter. Federal transportation officials are rethinking their position on self-driving cars…
New Safety Technology You Can Add To Old Cars
If you haven’t bought a new car within the past couple years it may be out of touch when it comes to safety technology. Older cars will lack many high-tech safety features, like a rearview camera, that are increasingly found in newer cars. But that doesn’t mean that you have…
Drivers Addicted to Texting While Driving
Even though it’s dangerous, many American drivers continue to use their smartphones while behind the wheel. Compulsion — even addiction — are appropriate terms for the nearly irresistible urge to respond to a text message, even while driving, an expert said. “We compulsively check our phones because every time we…